Saturday, July 11, 2009

Give a little bit....

This week has found me in a little different position regarding my PLN.... Turns out this week, I was actually on the giving end of my PLN. During a visit with an English teacher colleague of mine (who has given me some good teaching ideas in the past), I got to talking about what I've picked up about the power and potential of blogs and wikis in the classroom. I explained that I envision using wikis in my science classes on projects such as research papers and collaborative lab report writing and maybe some peer grading. Apparently, that was enough to provoke her curiosity about what wikis are, and how they might be used in her classes. I must say that after spending so much time on the receiving end of my PLN, it felt good to be able to give a little a bit back :)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you had the opportunity to help inspire another teacher. it seems to me that a PLN is most useful when it is reciprocal.
