Friday, July 17, 2009

Chemistry Lesson Screencast

For my first screencast, I chose to narrate how I use a powerpoint presentation (not lecture) as part of a lesson on precipitation reactions in my high school chemistry class. I hope you might something useful in it. Enjoy!


  1. NIce screencast! I appreciate your blazing the trail for us; I am not quite so scared. I really liked the overlay on your penultimate slide. I think that is a really nice idea for your students, and I've not ever seen a text present the ions that way superimposed over the photo of the reaction...clever!

  2. Help! Why am I able to see some video's and photos but not all? Clearly this is a problem on my end because others have seen your screencast, but all I get is a big empty box with nothing to click on...Any suggestions?

  3. Awesome Steve! Very efficient powerpoint and clearly narrated. You set the bar pretty high for the rest of us...
