Saturday, July 11, 2009

Simulation Stimulation

Whoops,... thought I posted this already..

On Simulations

What I find especially appealing and useful about simulations, is their usefulness as a means to aid students in developing their critical thinking abilities, whether that be identifying and manipulating variables, analyzing information, or designing experiments. There is little worry about equipment not working, or breaking (or not having it to begin with!), or something disastrous happening. Students can really feel free to explore and try out their own ideas. Mind you, there is still no substitute for ACTUALLY working with stuff, and doing REAL experiments using simulations can be a nice way to coax them into the true inquiry nature of science.

I strongly believe that it is possible for students to learn the key facts, skills, concepts specific to their science class, ALL THE WHILE developing their thinking skills and reasoning abilities. They can actually know more and become smarter in the ways that matter most and prepare them best. And I believe that that is most effective when teachers focus on HOW they not teach, not just what they teach. The appropriate use of simulations is a tremendous tool that can help educators achieve that goal.

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