Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 3 Update

This week found me struggling with keeping up on my writing in my own blog, although I've been good about reading others' blogs. With a house FULL of family visiting me on vacation, it's been a busy week!

I did also manage to look into Classroom 2.0 and I signed myself up on iGoogle, which I think is a terrific thing! I don't know if it's officially what's called an aggragator, but it's another tool for better "one-stop shopping". I didn't quite find what I was looking for in the live sessions offered in Classroom 2.0. I am hoping I can learn more about the use of netbooks (instead of textbooks) in my classroom, and all of the things should be considered before transitioning from mostly paper media to mostly electronic media. I had this discussion with one of my administrators, and we both believe that this is the direction things are headed in education. I will keep searching for more on this subject, for sure. I also looked into Creative Commons, and found some alright resources there. I'll be going back to it occasionally, I believe.

Regarding The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use article, like many others, I found it marginally enlightening. Mind you, I have had discussions such as this with our library personnel, so much of it sounds familiar.


  1. Katie- the dissected knittings are too funny! And I LOVE the Table of Rejected Elements. I forwarded that link to the chemistry teacher at my school. Don't you just love science humor?

    It's great that you mentioned Biology Junction as a great place to find animations. I find her site very helpful & full of other sources as well. If you haven't checked out her concept mapping page or her graphing pages, do so! They are great sources in helping students learn about different types of graphs, how to take notes & create visuals, etc.

  2. Hmm... How does your "personal learning network" look? There must be a few educators going in the direction of netbooks (or laptops) and 1:1 computing. I know that @chrislehman is a principal of a 1:1 laptop school and @micwalker is a technology specialist at a district that is going to 1:1 laptops. Both are very willing to share their experiences. Try to connect with them. Send me a message (wiki or Twitter) if you want help making the connection.
